Saturday, March 3, 2012

In support of MIOSM...

You don't know what "MIOSM" stands for?!  *gasp*  

(Actually, I'm only gasping a little sarcastically. *wink-wink*) 

MIOSM stands for "Music In Our Schools Month".  

2012 MIOSM Theme

 Obviously, as an elementary music teacher, I'm a HUGE advocate of music in the education system.  And, while I could rattle off statistics and numbers and studies and the like, that is not the purpose of this particular post.  I simply wanted to share with you how I am oh-so-selflessly supporting music...

***disclaimer:  I apologize to anyone (my hubby) who hates feet that this is such a "larger than life" picture of my toes.***

Aren't you impressed with that big toe?!  Well, perhaps not the toe so much as the design ON the toe.  

Now, here's a funny little tid-bit.  When I was at the salon to get this done, I went in knowing that I wanted something musical on my toes (in support of MIOSM-- which means what.....?).  However, I was a little unsure of what the base color should be.  Then, as I was ever-so-patiently waiting my turn, I brilliantly thought, "Ooo, ooo!  I'll do a dark-ish green with white!  Green for St. Patrick's Day AND it's our school's color!"  No, there is nothing wrong with your eye sight or my camera.  Those puppies are blue. I say to the lovely lady who always does my toes, "I want it green with a white design of music notes on a staff [which I had to draw on a piece of paper for her *grin*]."  She comes back with this lime green and several blues.  Um....  That is when I should've gotten up and gone to look.  Oh, wait.  My feet are soaking in a delicious swirling pool of water.  Right.  THAT'S how my toes ended up blue.  But they're pretty cute, huh? :)


  1. Darling. I looove pedicures.

  2. ohhh I LOVE your pedicure! beautiful nails, love the music notes! :)
