Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Here's what's a-bakin'

... cupcakes, of course! ;)

It's hard to believe that March is quickly moving right along.  The pinnacle of my baking stress will reach it's completion next Friday:  3 concerts in 7 days.  Plus, the ever illustrious "privilege" of proctoring for yet another beloved SOL testing session on top of that.  (If you find yourself chuckling and/or puzzled by "SOL testing", feel free to read here to discover what exactly that means...)  THAT being said, I am baking this evening.

Pictures will follow shortly.  But here is what you can look forward to (especially if you work with me! ;) ):

Almond Joy Cupcakes
(Almond cupcakes, chocolate ganache, coconut sprinkles)

Simply Vanilla Cupcakes
(perfect vanilla cupcake, vanilla cream cheese frosting)

Sooo... hold on to your taste buds!  The pictures are still in the oven! ;)

Oh, my... I have an update:

I had a bit 'o batter left after rationing out my delicious almond cupcakes.  So, I wisely poured it into a small ramekin.  I hang my head in shame and confess:  I couldn't resist.  I wanted a taste.  And then I had a brilliant idea:  top with leftover strawberries and freshly whipped cream.  The result?  Sheer divinity.  I mean, I know I have said it before, but I'll say it again:  sigh in my heart divinity.

No, you're right.  Half of it is gone-- before I thought to take a picture!


  1. mmm I wanna eat those cupcakes and I have to read about SOL testing. :)

  2. This awesome! We do 'cupcake wars' with our grandchildren!

  3. Too bad I didn't read this Before this eve. I must have missed the almond joy! By the way hit me up for some great homemade cupcake recipes!!! ( speaking of Almond joy!) Oh you know who I am lol. G
