Sunday, July 22, 2012

Greek-ish Chicken

OK, before you even begin to criticize read this lovely recipe that I am presenting to you, I offer a few disclaimers:

1.  I am completely aware that this is NOT an authentic Greek recipe (hence, the "ish" part of the title).
2.  I do not know how many Weight Watchers points and/or what exactly is a "serving".
3.  I am the world's most notorious "guestimator" when it comes to cooking.  So when I have relayed this recipe for all the world to read and/or replicate, please keep in mind that I am documenting to my closest estimation of how much of each ingredient that I used-- I'm a big "taste as you go" kind of cooker (as my sweet son calls me ;) ).
4.  I am mostly posting this because it is so good that I want to make sure I know how to recreate it again tomorrow in the future.

So, that being said...  I present to you:  the most delicious new yumminess that I've created in a while! :)

There are three basic parts to this recipe:  
the sauce, the chicken, and the naan.

I made the sauce first-- you know, so that all those flavors can hang out and become good friends-- and then party-hardy in your mouth! :)  Also, I diced up some tomatoes and onions, added some salt and pepper so that *poof* I had some fresh veggies to top my Greek-ish Chicken.

Garlic Yogurt Goodness Dip

16 oz. Plain Greek Yogurt
2 heaping tbls. minced garlic
1 tsp. garlic powder
2 tbls. balsamic vinegar
1 tbls. olive oil
1 tsp. dill
salt/pepper to taste

Chicken Marinade:
(Courtesy of my awesome hubby!)

2 diced up chicken breasts
1/4 c. lemon juice
1/4 c. olive oil
2 tbls. minced garlic
1 tbls. basil
1 tbls. oregano
salt/pepper to taste

Let it marinate on the counter for 20-30 minutes.  Then cook over medium heat.  
Let it rest while you fry up your naan.

I am a huge fan of the blog Budget Bytes.  If you like to cook even a little bit, head on over there.  I stumbled upon this recipe for an Indian style flatbread called naan.  If you aren't crunched for time (like I normally am on any given day), this is an absolutely deLIGHTful treat.  And so versatile.

After the naan is ready, time for assembly. 

Take your (slightly cooled) piece of naan and add a dollop of your garlic yogurt goodness...

Then add that yummy, well-rested chicken... and top with the tomato/onion mix...

Then roll that puppy shut and chow down!  So good.  
In fact, I am usually not a big fan of onions.  
But the onions really add a nice crunch and punch to the mix.  
One thing that I will probably do differently next time is 
cut the chicken into strips versus big chunks-- just for easy handling. ;)

Enjoy!!! :)

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