Monday, July 9, 2012


"Amazing Grace... How sweet the sound..."

Have you stopped recently to think about grace?  I mean really think about it.

Our son Daniel is at that very formidable age of four years.  His little mind is processing and absorbing.  So much.  A few months ago, my husband and I began incorporating the idea of grace into our children's lives and daily conversations.  One particular evening, Daniel was very inquisitive about this new concept-- trying to bring it into his day to day four-year-old world.  Finally, he was able to get a grasp on it.  His face lights up (as it often does when he makes a new discovery) and he says, "OH!  I get it.  Grace is like when daddy lets me watch 'Auto B. Good'-- even when I didn't take a good nap?"  I kind of chuckled and said, "Yes, that's daddy showing you grace."

This idea of childlike faith-based grace has come up in our family on more than one occasion.  And every time.  EVERY time.  I am humbled by my children.  Recently, I was out with the kiddos running some errands.  There was some bickering in the back seat, and it came to the point where I had to give the standard promise: "When we stop, I am going to give you a spanking."  Both children straightened up-- both knowing they had earned their consequence.  In fact, their behavior had so improved that, by the time we came to a stopping point, I had actually forgotten about the scheduled discipline. 

But Daniel had not.  When he realizes that he is not getting the spanking that he had so deftly earned, in the most sincere and earnest voice he exclaims, "Oh, Mama!  Thank you for not giving me my spanking.  Thank you for giving me grace!  Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!"

And I'll be honest.  My heart was convicted.  Deeply convicted.  When was the last time that I had gazed into the heart of my Heavenly Father and uttered with that same heartfelt gratitude: "Oh, Father!  You have given me grace!  Thank You, thank You, THANK YOU!"  And I have been forgiven for so much more than a squabble with my sister.  And my earned consequence is so much greater than a spanking.  My Father has forgiven me.  He sent His Son.  To die.  For me

Amazing Grace... How sweet the sound!

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