Tuesday, March 25, 2014

I passed the halfway mark!!!

For anyone who is even more OCD than I am, you will know that not only have I passed the halfway mark, but I am almost to the "three-quarters of the way" mark! :)

Today is actually Day 72.  Wow.  I can't believe it.  While I must admit that I have not made it completely 100% faithfully to my goals set at the beginning of this 100 Days journey, I am grateful for the lessons I am learning along the way.

I am learning to be aware of who I am as "the mama".  I often refer to myself by that name.  "The Mama".  And, let me tell you:  I. love. it.

I know the sun is a little weird on Samuel's face, 
but I love this picture of my sweeties!

I am learning that as the mama, I have a HUUUUUGE privilege.  And responsibility.  I am given the privilege to shape and change someone's soul.  But I have the responsibility to model for these sweet babies each and every day.  The responsibility to model Who Christ is.

I am learning to enjoy each moment more and more.  I am a pretty "task oriented" and "list driven" kind of person.  But often in those driving moments, I miss so many quiet blessings that are not on my list, but are whirling all around me.  How thankful I am for how persistent the Holy Spirit is with His work on my heart.

"Mama, let's paint our nails the same."

 I am learning the dishes will wait, but my babies are one day older.  Today is the youngest they will ever be again.  *sob*  But I have today.  Today to enjoy and laugh.

Look to the left ......... look to the right
*love is all around*

We've had some exciting activities in the past couple of days...  As I've already shared, these kiddos are just growin' on up...  Look what they've gotten into lately:

Color Belt Testing

Daniel has moved up to a "Yellow Belt"!

Front leg kick!  E is now an "Orange Belt"!

D and E with their beloved instructor.     And they are lookin' fierce!

This sweet boy is standing up and lovin' life!

Baking and sharing with others...


Ellie drew me a lovely flower picture...
"It's you and me, Mama."

Helping mama pump the gas

Enjoying the beautiful sunshine and time together with the ones we love...


Play hard, sleep hard

This sweet boy reads a bedtime story to his sister every night...


"I will both lay me down in peace and sleep: for thou, Lord, only makest me dwell in safety."
~Psalm 4:8

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