Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Dishes, dishes for EVERYONE!

For those of you who keep up with me on Facebook know that I am frequently entertained by the antics and expressions of my sweet ones.

One thing that I am really and truly grateful is that my children really like to help out with household chores-- from laundry to sweeping to washing dishes.  No, I'm serious.  They literally cry and are heartbroken if they don't get to help.  (Yah, I know.  I'm hoping it sticks, too.)

That being said, my over-active-imagination Daniel woke up one night around midnight to potty and had a little trouble going back to sleep.  He just kept getting out of bed to come down to tell me one more thing that was on his mind.  You know, big stuff like making sure he remembers to brush his teeth before going to school, did I wash his favorite super heroes shirt.  Just the usual stuff a 4-year-old should be worrying about. I was finally able to convince him to stay in bed (which I knew would then lead to him going back to sleep)...

By promising him that I would wait for him to help me wash the dishes.  

All of them. 

And I had to promise that I wouldn't wash any of them without him.  

Whew...  Sweet sleeping boy.

So what were the first words out of his mouth when he woke up the next morning?

"I'm ready to wash dishes, Mama!"

Yes, his eyes are a little dazed.  
Probably from lack of sleep at the anticipation of getting to wash dishes.

Then, naturally, what one does, the other has to do... 
No, I am not quite sure what she's looking at... other than "not me"! 

And, yes.  My sweet ones DID wash all of those dishes.  And, yes.  It was such a precious time for me to get to just stand there with them-- laughing, giggling, teaching.  God is so wise and kind to give me moments of "sigh-in-my-heart" happiness.  Even if it means I lose a little sleep and get a little wet.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Greek-ish Chicken

OK, before you even begin to criticize read this lovely recipe that I am presenting to you, I offer a few disclaimers:

1.  I am completely aware that this is NOT an authentic Greek recipe (hence, the "ish" part of the title).
2.  I do not know how many Weight Watchers points and/or what exactly is a "serving".
3.  I am the world's most notorious "guestimator" when it comes to cooking.  So when I have relayed this recipe for all the world to read and/or replicate, please keep in mind that I am documenting to my closest estimation of how much of each ingredient that I used-- I'm a big "taste as you go" kind of cooker (as my sweet son calls me ;) ).
4.  I am mostly posting this because it is so good that I want to make sure I know how to recreate it again tomorrow in the future.

So, that being said...  I present to you:  the most delicious new yumminess that I've created in a while! :)

There are three basic parts to this recipe:  
the sauce, the chicken, and the naan.

I made the sauce first-- you know, so that all those flavors can hang out and become good friends-- and then party-hardy in your mouth! :)  Also, I diced up some tomatoes and onions, added some salt and pepper so that *poof* I had some fresh veggies to top my Greek-ish Chicken.

Garlic Yogurt Goodness Dip

16 oz. Plain Greek Yogurt
2 heaping tbls. minced garlic
1 tsp. garlic powder
2 tbls. balsamic vinegar
1 tbls. olive oil
1 tsp. dill
salt/pepper to taste

Chicken Marinade:
(Courtesy of my awesome hubby!)

2 diced up chicken breasts
1/4 c. lemon juice
1/4 c. olive oil
2 tbls. minced garlic
1 tbls. basil
1 tbls. oregano
salt/pepper to taste

Let it marinate on the counter for 20-30 minutes.  Then cook over medium heat.  
Let it rest while you fry up your naan.

I am a huge fan of the blog Budget Bytes.  If you like to cook even a little bit, head on over there.  I stumbled upon this recipe for an Indian style flatbread called naan.  If you aren't crunched for time (like I normally am on any given day), this is an absolutely deLIGHTful treat.  And so versatile.

After the naan is ready, time for assembly. 

Take your (slightly cooled) piece of naan and add a dollop of your garlic yogurt goodness...

Then add that yummy, well-rested chicken... and top with the tomato/onion mix...

Then roll that puppy shut and chow down!  So good.  
In fact, I am usually not a big fan of onions.  
But the onions really add a nice crunch and punch to the mix.  
One thing that I will probably do differently next time is 
cut the chicken into strips versus big chunks-- just for easy handling. ;)

Enjoy!!! :)

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Weight Watchers and the Bible

Are you intrigued?  Are you reading this for the simple fact that you can't quite figure out how those two topics go together?! :)

Read on, my friend.  Read on.

It is no secret (to my tens of readers ;) ) that I am on a life-long journey to get my self back in shape and on a much healthier path.  And, let me just remind you, I am a professional failure.  What I mean by that is this:  I have tried juuuust about every "diet" and "lifestyle change" out there.  Some have been a little more successful and/or do-able than others.  Some I have actually enjoyed, and other I have not.  A lot of them even have some really great ideas on how and why I should lose weight, feel great.  But, alas, I am a failure.  I am horrible at sticking to whatever it is that I am trying.  I have a lot of theories about why that is, but I don't want to rabbit trail.  Back to WW and the Bible.

I have had several friends who have tried and stuck with the Weight Watchers program.  In fact, just before I found out I was expecting my sweet Daniel, I had joined WW.  However, I dropped out due to my pregnancy (at that time, they didn't allow you to weigh-in and/or track your weight if you are pregnant.  I don't know if that is still their policy or not).  But a good friend of mine (who is also a self-proclaimed professional failure) re-joined WW back in the spring and has been doing spectacular.  In fact, because of her serious change of her "post-baby" [um, I won't tell you that "baby" is going into 3rd grade this year] tummy, I have been so inclined to finally cave and give into the WW way of thinking.

So here I am.  Today is officially my 9th day of Weight Watchers.  My online membership was my birthday present to myself.  After dragging my feet, turning up my nose, and basically refusing to consider it, I am now a Weight Watchers' member-- hopefully, soon to be success story! ;)

That all being said, let's focus back to the present...

As I was fixing my sweet hubby his salad for lunch yesterday (and let me just tell you, it was a sad looking salad.  *sigh*  I really need to go grocery shopping...), I had a complete and total epiphany.   I know why I don't really love Weight Watchers:  the whole premise of this program is making yourself aware of what you are actually eating.  The program points out that pretty much, I am a lazy, sloppy, undisciplined eater (yes, I'm a little hard on myself... ;) ).  While [shamefully, I know] in the past, I might have munched down a hefty portion of chips and dip, I now know just how much that same "serving size" (ish!) is really worth.  *GULP*  And it is not pretty.  I, quite frankly, would be just as fat and happy to never really know the nutritional information of what I was eating.  Not kidding.

And that is how the Bible (or the genuine Christian faith) is to the world.  The same reason I don't like WW (no, seriously.  I do NOT love this "self awareness" in my eating habits.) is the same reason a lot of people avoid God's Word...

~God's Word shows me my inadequacy as a sinner.
~God's Word has a plan for how to give me the ultimate lifestyle change.
~God's Word let's me know that if I do not follow that "plan", the end result is not pretty.

 Quite honestly, it is a lot easier to not "count the cost" (Luke 14:28) and just live each day, in the moment.  As a sinner, I do not like or enjoy following the very strict "lifestyle change" laid out for me in God's Word.  It's tough.  I want to cheat.  I don't want to report my "points" of the day (I John 1:9).  It's so much easier to just turn a blind eye, so to speak, and not worry about how the sin is accumulating and corrupting.

BUT!  If I do follow the plan, if I do count the points cost, the transformation is invaluable-- especially in light of eternity.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Whatcha' Got Cookin'?

I love summer vacation... And I love to cook... So, when those two collide:  watch out, world! (Or should I address my hips and backside?!)

Here's a few things in which I've been dabbling:
(Anyone else appreciate that I didn't end my sentence with a preposition???)

Oh, so delicious cinnamon rolls from this site.

Homemade pizza, courtesy of my special helper

Recipe adapted roughly from "Mommy's Kitchen"

And this morning's masterpiece:  

The first thing you need to do is make that super yummy cinnamon swirl stuff and put it in a baggy to kind of chill.  I mixed 1/4 c. unsalted butter (that's half a stick ;) ) with 1/2 c. brown sugar and 1 tbls. cinnamon.  It "swirls" better if it gets to "un-melt" a little bit.  Use a baggy so that you can snip off the corner to swirl.

Pancake Batter:
adapted from this recipe

1 3/4 c. all-purpose flour
1/4 c. sugar
2 1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. baking soda
1/2 tsp. salt
1 c. milk PLUS 1/4 c. heavy whipping cream
2 lightly beaten eggs
2 tsp. vanilla
2 tbls. veggie oil

Whisk dry ingredients together.  Make a "well" in the middle and pour in the milk.  Whisk together and then add the eggs, vanilla, and oil.  Don't over mix!

I used a hot griddle (about 325-350*) and poured a 1/4 c. mix on the buttered tray.  Let it sit and bubble a bit and then squeeze out a swirl of the cinnamon/sugar/butter mix that has been waiting so patiently in that little baggy. 

***Here's a life lesson:  a little dab will do ya...  
Don't put too much of that swirl stuff on the pancake 
or it makes a cinnamon-y mess on the griddle! :)

Flip the pancake when it's good and bubbly and golden brown underneath (I always peek, you know).  If you're a professional pancake maker, you know that the second side doesn't take nearly as long to cook.

Flip back over on a plate (so you can see that beautiful masterpiece!) and lightly drizzle with cream cheese icing.

I actually made a big batch of vanilla cream cheese frosting and then just took a little out of that and thinned it out with heavy whipping cream (yes, I do know why I'm chubby...)  But here's my best guess:

2 tbls. cream cheese
2 tbls. room temp (NOT melted!) unsalted butter
1/2-1 c. powdered sugar
1-2 tsp. vanilla
dash of salt
Whipping cream to thin to your liking.

I whip the butter and cream cheese together until they become as one (about 5 minutes).  Then add some powdered sugar.  Then add the vanilla.  Then add some more powdered sugar.  Then add your dash of salt.  Whip it, baby, whip it.  Thin out with the whipping cream so that you can drizzle it on your pancakes!  A little bit goes a loooong way-- I'm pretty sure I only used about 1/2 cup (if that!) for our entire batch of pancakes.  I even had a little left over that I just poured back into the "big batch o' frosting" that I made and froze for later use.

ENJOY!!! :)


Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me...

I have to secretly (ish, I know) confess that I don't really love that my birthday is on a Wednesday this year.

(Any other pastor wives out there who know where I'm going with this confession???)

Wednesdays are really hard in the Gibson house.  And I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that it is because today is the day set aside for our church's prayer meeting.  And what makes the Evil One tremble more than just about anything?  Believers storming the gates of heaven.

So, life gets pretty trying, tempted, and just plain terrible at times here in the dirty-rotten-sinner-filled-home known as "The Gibson Family".  *sigh*

And while I was tempted to complain (and continue to be-- don't get me wrong!), I decided that I would instead think of 35 things I am thankful for... since today marks the 35th anniversary of life given to me by a gracious Savior and a giving mother.  Ah!  Ah!  See?  I'm already starting to feel thankful!  So here goes...

35 Things to be thankful for in 35 Years:

1.  My birth date.  I love that thing.
2.  Burger King.  I was saved by grace through faith at the drive-thru of the Beckley BK.
3.  eHarmony.  Met my true love, soul mate, God-given match through that site.
4.  Suffolk, VA.  (For any of you who know me semi-super well should be shocked)  But I miraculously delivered not one, but TWO precious treasures from God Himself at a fabulous hospital there.
5.  No.  As I look back on my life at the many requests and concerns I brought before the Lord, I am so thankful for the (many!) times that He has lovingly said "No" to me.
6.  Yes.  I am equally grateful for the many "YES!" answers given so graciously by my Father-- from the "perfect" job to finding my lost keys.
7.  Appalachian Bible College.  The further I get from my graduation date (May 2000!), the more I realize how much I actually neglected my time and studies there.  And I am ashamed.  However, this is my "thankful list", so I want to give thanks for the dedication of the staff and faculty in their burden to train servants for this generation.
8.  Cream Cheese.  Not to brag, but there is nothing quite like my frosting made with real cream cheese.
9.  Laughter.  It truly is like medicine.
10. My home.  While even simply a thatched roof hut to keep me dry in the storm would be sufficient, the Lord has graciously allowed a WONderful parsonage for my family to reside.  Which brings me to...
11. My utility room.  I will (God willing!) never again live in a home that doesn't have an industrial sized sink.  Perfect for so many things, from bathing children to soaking laundry.
12. Having a gymnasium.  Connected to my house.  No, seriously.  I have a gymnasium.  CONNECTED to my HOUSE.  (Do I even really need to elaborate?!)
13. An enclosed "breezeway" connecting my house to said gymnasium.  It serves as cold storage in the winter and the perfect "rising" location for breads, rolls, etc. in the summer.
14. Dr. Pepper 10.  That stuff has saved lives
 15. Ashley Gibson.  Yes, I know I kinda already mentioned him.  But trust me.  He is worth mentioning more than once.  He loves me.  He loves.  Me.  And I have a whole lotta crazy goin' on up in here.
16. Psalm 103:14.  He knoweth our frame; He remembereth that we are dust.
17. Jasmine Rice.  I'll be posting my favorite way to cook that divine deliciousness in the upcoming days.
18. Variety.  From food to weather to people-- my very wise Heavenly Father knew how ADD I would be!
19. Pedicures.  *sigh* Just saying that word makes my feet feel better.
20. Sisters.  My sisters are truly my best friends and confidants.  I know they love me and pray for me-- in ways that no one else is able.
21. Finished Revelation.  I am. SO. THANKFUL. that the Bible was already finished before I was even a twinkle in my father's eye.  How grateful I am that the world will not be reading and learning life lessons from my mistakes for all eternity.  God is kind! :)
22. Dandelions.  They grow practically year 'round.  And I love every one that my sweet babies pick for me.
23. A strong body.  Albeit, it's a little chubby.  But God has blessed me with strong legs, arms, and lungs.  I may have aches and pains and creaks and groans, but I can get up and run with my sweet ones.
24. Air conditioners. I do not know how I survived without it.
25. My EZ-pass.  I love cruising through toll booths.
26. Carbs.  I have said it before, I'll say it again:  there is nothing so comforting as a carb.
27. Music.  My mom used to have a picture in her room that said, "After silence, that which comes closest to expressing the inexpressible is music."  I used to think that the quote was backwards, but the older I get, the more I get it. 
28. Naptime.  Please.  What mom isn't thankful for that?!
29. Korean food.  Oh, how I love that stuff.  I'll be chowing down on it in heaven for a good part of eternity.  Fo' sho'.
30. Ice.  I love cold beverages.
31. Hot tea.  I love hot beverages. (note #18)
32. Books.  I love to learn about new things and far off places.  And I am certainly a dreamer.
33. My brothers.  From my dear Joshua and Peter to my various brothers-in-law, I love seeing how God has molded and used them and continue to change them for Him.  Be strong in the Lord!
34. Chocolate.  I almost didn't list chocolate-- because, as a woman, it's kind of a gimme...
35. My parents.  If you've met them, you understand.  If you haven't met them, you should probably feel a little bit of jealousy (because you haven't met them).  They have trained me, loved me, disciplined me, and directed me.  They told me about God's love and showed me God's grace.  I am who I am because of their influence on my life.  I can not believe God loved me enough to give me to them.

Wow...  I can't believe how humbled and filled with peace I feel right now.  I often hum a song I learned many years ago, as it is filled with so much truth:

"It's amazing what praising can do.  Hallelujah, hallelujah!"

May God grant me another year to praise HIM!

Monday, July 9, 2012


"Amazing Grace... How sweet the sound..."

Have you stopped recently to think about grace?  I mean really think about it.

Our son Daniel is at that very formidable age of four years.  His little mind is processing and absorbing.  So much.  A few months ago, my husband and I began incorporating the idea of grace into our children's lives and daily conversations.  One particular evening, Daniel was very inquisitive about this new concept-- trying to bring it into his day to day four-year-old world.  Finally, he was able to get a grasp on it.  His face lights up (as it often does when he makes a new discovery) and he says, "OH!  I get it.  Grace is like when daddy lets me watch 'Auto B. Good'-- even when I didn't take a good nap?"  I kind of chuckled and said, "Yes, that's daddy showing you grace."

This idea of childlike faith-based grace has come up in our family on more than one occasion.  And every time.  EVERY time.  I am humbled by my children.  Recently, I was out with the kiddos running some errands.  There was some bickering in the back seat, and it came to the point where I had to give the standard promise: "When we stop, I am going to give you a spanking."  Both children straightened up-- both knowing they had earned their consequence.  In fact, their behavior had so improved that, by the time we came to a stopping point, I had actually forgotten about the scheduled discipline. 

But Daniel had not.  When he realizes that he is not getting the spanking that he had so deftly earned, in the most sincere and earnest voice he exclaims, "Oh, Mama!  Thank you for not giving me my spanking.  Thank you for giving me grace!  Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!"

And I'll be honest.  My heart was convicted.  Deeply convicted.  When was the last time that I had gazed into the heart of my Heavenly Father and uttered with that same heartfelt gratitude: "Oh, Father!  You have given me grace!  Thank You, thank You, THANK YOU!"  And I have been forgiven for so much more than a squabble with my sister.  And my earned consequence is so much greater than a spanking.  My Father has forgiven me.  He sent His Son.  To die.  For me

Amazing Grace... How sweet the sound!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Slip 'n Slide!

I don't know about you, but I'm pretty sure it's near impossible to be a child on summer vacation without having a Slip 'n Slide.  I don't have any scientific research to back up my hypothesis, but I'm feeling pretty confident in my assumption...

This week Auntie Bek and Ms. Courtney are visiting.  [They've stayed a bit longer than previously planned due to the terrible storms and power outages in WV.  Why go home to no power or A/C when you can stay and party-hardy?! :)]  That being the case, we have entered official summer vacation:

Oh, the fun that was had by all!  It took a few tries (and a fabulous demonstration by Ms. Courtney!) to get the hang of it, but once they started, there was no turning back...

Thursday, June 28, 2012

My sweet Elisabeth

Turn about is fair play, right?

I have been blessed with 2 sweet babies-- right from the heart of God (which, by the way, is where we tell our kiddos they were before Jesus put them in Mama's tummy).  My last post was about our sweet Daniel, so I thought I would take a moment for today's post to share a bit about my sweet, silly Elle-Belle.

Not long after she was born, I wrote this note in regards to the adjustment of having my joy doubled...

September 16, 2009

As a natural born romantic, I have always loved this passage in Ecclesiastes. I remember as a young girl, reading this passage and just DREAMING of the day when the other half of my "two" would come and complete my "one". Now, don't get me wrong. I'm still a romantic, and I am still so grateful for the other half of my "two". I am indeed better because he is in my life.

However... in recent days-- today specifically-- this verse has taken on a new meaning for me as a mother. I remember when I was expecting our first child, Daniel, having my older, wiser sister warn me that you never realize how selfish you are until you have children. So, I braced myself in the early days of Daniel's life, waiting to be confronted by the Lord with the hidden selfishness that was buried deep within my heart. Days turned into weeks turned into months, and before I knew it an entire year had passed. And I actually found myself thinking, "Wow! I must not have been very selfish at all! This has been great-- almost easy, in fact!"

Yet, it is amazing to me that I have only had two children for less than 2 weeks, and I am already learning the other half of that romantic verse: "...for they have good reward for their labor." While I was enjoying my "one" with Daniel, thinking that I had already attained this wonderful unselfish state, the Lord was waiting for that perfect moment to send me my "two" found with my precious Elisabeth-- not that Elisabeth is a "hard" baby. Quite the contrary-- she is a precious delight. She snuggles and coos and looks at me with those big trusting eyes. My labor comes in the form of my own selfish control. Oh, how I am learning just how hard that labor can be as I struggle to find the balance between mother of Daniel, and mother of Elisabeth, wife of Ashe, and woman named Leah. But I am constantly-- and gently-- reminded by my Savior that it is not in my strength that I am able to do this. I can try as hard as I'd like to control and manage and plan, but I am quickly learning just how selfish I really am. I am learning things about myself that I never would have or could have learned with just my "one" Daniel. I am learning that I desperately needed my "two" Elisabeth in my life so that I will be able to truly HAVE my "good reward".

Two ARE better than one...

Yes, my sweet Ellie is just the icing on the cake in our little family.  She has such an adventurous, yet timid spirit.  Her heart is always full of love-- for her brother (can you see that adoration in her eyes even from near-birth?!), her Daddy, her "babies", and-- of course-- ME!

Wearing mama's socks and shoes
Sportin' her pretty hair-- while clutching her sidekick, "Peter"
FEARLESS, I tell you-- climbing to the top of the "wall" at the park.
Whew!  Being brave is thirsty work!
Thank You, Father, for this sweet Princess!

Monday, June 25, 2012

My sweet Daniel

So here is the sweet story about my sweet boy that I mentioned in my Mini Vay-cay #1 post yesterday.  And I mean it.  If you have any heart at all, you should probably grab a tissue and begin to read...

To set the stage, I need to give a little background.  First of all, Daniel loves soldiers.  I know it probably mostly has to do with his beloved Uncle Jay.

Daniel proudly wears his favorite outfit and real Army Hat!

The other thing you should know before I tell this story is that I am truly my father's daughter.  Have you seen this floating around Pinterest?  Well, it pretty much sums up what I mean by "Father's Daughter".

The last thing that you should know (especially in relation to #2) is that Ellie is-- drum roll, please-- officially potty trained!  Whoo-hoo!  Yes, that is a whoo-hoo in regards to diapers and the like; however, it is NOT a whoo-hoo in regards to the need to stop.  Every 45 minutes.  But, it is what it is. 

Now, to the tissue part...

We are scooting right along last Monday on our way to West Virginia.  Probably only stopped about 4 or 5 times at this point (to potty in the little potty chair in the back of the mini van, of course).  Yes, you do note a bit of sarcasm.  But my kids are not fussy, and traffic is not too crazy.  So I'm feeling pretty good.  Enter not one, but two big buses filled with "soldiers".  I have my cruise on, so I am just a-zippin' on by.  By the time Daniel sees the bus, realizes who is on that bus, I am already passed them.  But he exclaims, "Stop, Mama!  There are soldiers on that bus!  Uncle Jay might be on that bus!"  I reassure him that Uncle Jay is NOT on that bus; he was already in Texas.

But Daniel continues. 

"But I didn't get to wave to them!  Slow down, Mama.  Please!"

Now, I have to confess that there was a great struggle in my spirit for the briefest of moments.  (Remember #2?!)  My first instinct was to rationalize (ha!) with him that we had already passed them, we'll look for more, etc.  But the Holy Spirit gently encouraged me in my heart, "Leah, what is the rush?  It will not kill you to slow down."

And I am.  So grateful. That I can say: I listened.

Granted, I had to go about 50 mph for about 5 minutes for those blessed buses to catch up, but 50 mph I went!

(Seriously, if you don't have a tissue.  Now is your last chance.)

The Lord was so kind.  The buses had "split" with one on my left and the other on my right.  Daniel's seat is on the right side of the van, behind the passenger seat.  I was really dragging so that the first bus (on our right-- Daniel's side!) could "catch" us.  Some of the soldiers were sleeping-- or at least resting against the window of the bus.  But as they came past us, I started waving like a crazy person and pointing back to Daniel, who was also waving like a crazy person so that they could see that it was actually a little dude who was so thrilled to see them.  And the expression on their faces.  Oh, my.  When the first soldier realized what was happening (a small little boy was just thrilled beyond belief to see them!), they started motioning to the others behind, and the whole side was waving and grinning like nobody's business to my sweet little boy who proudly proclaims, "Mama!  They see me.  THEY SEE ME!" 

Enter the bus on the left.  Again, I start the waving and pointing like a crazy person bit.  And, again.  One soldier sees what's happening (this time, my sweet boy is leaning over as far as his federally approved child safety seat will allow!).  And, again.  Their faces just light up as they begin to wave to my happy little man.

Now, I stayed between those buses as long as I was able, but there was a split in the highway coming right up (Thank You, Lord, for Your perfect timing!), but we were heading one way as the buses were heading the other.  We kept waving and smiling-- with waves and smiles being returned-- as long as we could.  And as the bus headed off in their direction, my sweet Daniel says so matter of factly...

"Oh, the bad guys must be over there.  Because all those soldiers are going that way.  To keep us safe.  Just like Uncle Jay."

Praise the Lord I was still going 50 mph.  I am not kidding you.  Tears were streaming down my face.  And I was just thanking the Holy Spirit for His gentle reminder that my GPS was not nearly as important as I had previously imagined.  What a precious memory-- for me and my sweet boy.  And those soldiers.  I found myself thinking that perhaps at least one of them needed to see the adoration of my child-- they needed to know that they are my little boy's hero.  And I needed to remember the value of a moment.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Mini Vay-cay #1

So now that school is out, the visiting of family has commenced.  As I mentioned in an earlier post, my sweet hubby Ashe took my sweet kiddos Daniel and Ellie to North Carolina for a quick visit the week before I was finished with school.  They had a great time visiting Nana, Uncle Jay, Auntie Sybil and all the others-- all the while NOT taking naps, NOT going to bed on time, and probably NOT missing me at all! ;)

But now it was my turn. We packed in on up and head down to Country Roads... (feel free to sing along) take me home... to the place... where I belong.... WEST VIRGINIA!!!!!!!!!!!  Whoo-hoo!!!!!! 

The drive was lovely.  I have a sweet story to tell you about my sweet Daniel, but that will come at another time.  (Warning:  grab a tissue...!)

I have the privilege of serving on the Ladies Auxiliary of Appalachian Bible College in Bradley, West Virginia.  I'm the membership gal.  It's actually a great ministry.  As a quick promo:  if you are ever able to attend ANY of the conferences/luncheons/events that are put on by the Auxiliary, do it!  Your heart will be blessed, and your walk with the Lord will deepen. 

So last week was the WV trip for the annual Ladies' Conference.  Our speaker was Dr. George Purdom from the Answers in Genesis ministry.  She had so many wonderful lessons about the importance and fundamental groundwork of the Word of God-- in every aspect of life.  Wanna listen to the sessions on CD?  Feel free to call, click, or print your request, and they (we! :) ) will get them right out to you!  Great stuff.

While I was being blessed and challenged, my children were also being blessed and challenged!  They had the wonderful excitement of going to day camp at "Auntie Bek-Bek's school"-- also known as Kids of Harmony with Ms. Christy (whom they a-DORE!), Ms. Courtney (another crowd favorite!), and of course:  Auntie Bek-Bek.  They had a great time learning about how the Lord wants to transform us-- from the inside out!  (I'm still humming that little theme song! "Totally Transformed")  But in the afternoons, I was a super cool mom.  Instead of having them take their usual afternoon nap, I instead took and/or sent them to the pool.  Yah, I'm pretty much a rock star in their world.

Watch this, Mom!

Diving for "water rockets"

The spoils of war! :)

Needless to say, they had an awesome time.  In fact, there were two puh-retty disappointed kiddos strapped in the mini-van come Saturday afternoon!  But they were appeased (somewhat) with the news that we would return again (for Mini Vay-cay #2!) in just another week or so. 

I think perhaps the highlight of my week came Saturday morning.  My sweet Daniel says to me, "Mama, I'm having a really great time with Grampy.  But I can't wait 'til I get to spend time with just you."  Melt. My. Heart.  God is so good!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day!

I am so blessed.  I trust I will never get over the lovingkindness of my Heavenly Father-- Who so graciously blessed me with such an incredible earthly Father.  

 He is the best.  I mean.  The. Best.

But not only have I been blessed with MY father, I also have the blessing of serving with the most incredible man-- whom my children are in turn blessed to call Daddy.  Wow.  God is so good.

So I say to these two great men:  Happy Father's Day!  
Thank you both for the daily testimony of the lovingkindness of our 
Heavenly Father that you daily show to me.  

I love you!

Friday, June 15, 2012

You should probably sit down for this...

You can tell that I am obviously on summer vacation-- because here I am with my second post.  In one day.  (I actually just "lol-ed" right now. :) )  But you will know WHY I am so pumped and couldn't wait in just a few moments.

As we all know, Father's Day is just around the corner.  Literally.  I have been super blessed with a super husband-- who is a super father.  Thus, I am totally pumped for Father's Day! :)  My husband is usually the "out of the park" gift giver.  I am a blessed woman.  But this year, *I* am (quite possibly) the winner.

"What is it that makes you think you're so special?"  You may ask.

I made him these cupcakes:

I call them: "The Caramel Mock-iato"  Eh...eh...!  Get it?  (My sweet hubby's favorite "treat beverage" of all times is the Caramel Macchiato from Starbucks.)  For all of you Pinterest addicts out there, I'm sure you've seen a wide range of recipes for this and other delectable delights.  However, none of them really ever grabbed my attention before-- as in the "Oh, I must stop everything I am doing and go make these cupcakes.  Right now." kind of grab the attention.  Until now.  These did.  And I did.  Though, naturally, I had to tweak them. ;)

Here's what happened...

I found this recipe from a new interesting blog that I shall revisit quite often, I am sure... Bakingdom.  I have never made my own caramel before today.  Nor had I yet ever used coffee IN my baking.  But, as luck would have it (really, it was fate, wasn't it????), we had some left over coffee from breakfast.  It's like the Lord wanted me to make these for my incredible husband. 

I started the caramel sauce...

Please don't judge my messy stovetop...

If you choose to make this wonderful concoction, please oh PLEASE be extra careful on the "slowly add the whipping cream to the boiling mixture" step.  No, I don't have a good story about a bad experience.

Praise the Lord.

Just be careful.

If all goes well, this is what should be the end result:

I left my "upside down, make the saute' pan level" red bowl in the background on purpose-- so you could see how deliciously golden that sauce is.

Then we move on to the cupcakes.  As I have mentioned before in previous posts, regardless of WHAT cupcake recipe you may be trying, I firmly believe that the very first step is one of the most important.  Whip that butter.  Leave it a-LONE.  Cream in that sugar, and let them get close.  Let them become as one.  That is my opinion.  But I'm pretty sure I'm right...

After the cupcakes have baked and cooled, cut out the little top (very carefully!) and then spoon in a scoop of that decadent caramel sauce that you have just whipped right up.  Put the top back on.  It's like your cupcake has a secret.  And it does.  Oh, my.  It.  DOES.

Can you guess which of these cupcakes I have already unofficially "staked my claim"?  If you said the one in the top right corner-- you'd be right! :)

Then comes the frosting.  Now, my new friend (whether she knows it or not) Darla suggests a coffee icing before the "whipped cream" frosting.  However, I just didn't feel like making it.  I was trying to think of some really exciting and/or creative reason for not including that.  But I just don't have anything but the truth.

I topped them with my top-secret, super delicious vanilla cream cheese frosting.  Actually, it's not that top secret.   I'm pretty sure I've posted it somewhere on my blog before now.  Anyway.  Just a couple weeks/months ago (remember, it's been a long year... my sense of time is a little off right now) I made a very wise purchase: the Best Ever Cupcake Icing Kit from Bake It Pretty.  Love that thing.  So I used it.  Piped out my delish frosting in an ever-so-impressive fashion on top of these gems.

You're starting to see it, aren't you???
Then comes the hardest part, in my opinion.  If the Lord ever allows for me to really have my bakery dream ("Gibson Goodies") hit full steam, I shall most definitely invest in one of those caramel-squeezing-out-bottle things.  That drizzling with a spoon could get really old, really fast.  But drizzle I did.  Fo-drizzle.  Lol.  If my husband reads this, he is rolling his eyes right now.

Remember that secret your cupcake was trying so hard to keep?

Do you see that caramel peaking out to say "hello"?

So there they are.  Don't you wish you lived closer to me?  I would make them for you if you did.  Honest.  I would.  Especially if you came to my monthly ladies' Bible study which happens the 3rd Saturday of every month at my sweet church, Grace Bible Church.  (Is that a good plug, or what?!)